So, I've had the data for an hour or so this evening, and this is what we've got:
We've got some interesting step-up effects going on with the beds with roofs on (red and green lines), whereas the open bed (blue) is tracking the external weather conditions (purple) pretty faithfully. The weather station is about 15ft up on a bamboo pole, hence it's a few degrees cooler than 6" above the sludge which is where the temperature sensor was hung.
The green line is from the bed where we had it open during the day, and closed at night, and on the 17th we switched to having it closed 24/7 to try and 'bake' the sludge. It does seem to have lifted it a few degrees above the fully vented approach (red line) for these last few days, but I'm not sure its a conclusive difference.
Also, we hit the magic 55 degrees for a few hours which is pretty exciting!
And check out how closing the roof at night keeps the beds up to 5 degrees warmer than leaving them open...
The more I look at this the more I think I may need to tweak my trendlines...when you look at them individually, the step-up effect is much more pronounced once we closed the roof 24/7...
Anyway, it all looks good to me so far. More analysis tomorrow.
We've got some interesting step-up effects going on with the beds with roofs on (red and green lines), whereas the open bed (blue) is tracking the external weather conditions (purple) pretty faithfully. The weather station is about 15ft up on a bamboo pole, hence it's a few degrees cooler than 6" above the sludge which is where the temperature sensor was hung.
The green line is from the bed where we had it open during the day, and closed at night, and on the 17th we switched to having it closed 24/7 to try and 'bake' the sludge. It does seem to have lifted it a few degrees above the fully vented approach (red line) for these last few days, but I'm not sure its a conclusive difference.
Also, we hit the magic 55 degrees for a few hours which is pretty exciting!
And check out how closing the roof at night keeps the beds up to 5 degrees warmer than leaving them open...
The more I look at this the more I think I may need to tweak my trendlines...when you look at them individually, the step-up effect is much more pronounced once we closed the roof 24/7...
Anyway, it all looks good to me so far. More analysis tomorrow.
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