Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Hotels and hartals

We've got hartal's Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.  Which basically means I can't leave the hotel, or at least definitely not the immediate area.

So, I've been entertaining myself catching up on emails, clearing out all those old ones at the bottom of my inbox, and updating the blog!

What do you think of the new layout?!  I've still got some gremlins to sort out, but it's a bit more glamorous than it was.  I'll keep tinkering over the next few days, so keep checking back to see it's latest incarnation...

UPDATE: Wednesday 20th March

Back in the office today, and waiting for the car to come back that's gone to collect our last round of samples and data from the site.

We've asked the guys from Practical Action to do the sampling for us, and they are going to bring the samples and equipment half-way back to Dhaka, where a WaterAid driver is going to meet them and bring it all back to the office.

 As I've been away from the site for most of this test, I can't wait to see what information we've got on the temperature and weather sensors!  I'm consoling myself that my forced absence means that we've inadvertently done some capacity building with the PA staff, as they now know how to undertake the sampling process and could feasibly do it without our instruction.

It'll still be a couple of weeks before we get the pathogen results back from the lab at the icddr,b so we won't know about pathogen reduction for a while, but it'll be great to see if the higher (anticipated) temperatures have had an effect.

I'll report back with some initial results later today.

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